Idolgenius is Danny Ray Vasquez’s artist name which was thought of and given to by Danny's high school friend Marcus Williams back in 2005. In the beginning of 2023, Danny finally decided to adopt the artist name and began signing his artwork under Idolgenius with a lowercase (i).

Danny Ray Vasquez was born in Phoenix, Arizona on June 29th, 1988. Danny is a nonprofit artist currently residing in Phoenix, Arizona and making artwork under his artist name Idolgenius. Danny's current works of art exposes peoples common misconceptions of the physical universe and captures hidden truth from an multidirectional point of view. Meaning, Danny is tapping into his cognition by approaching life from multiple perspectives instead of being unidirectional. Danny is now understanding that he’s actually bulking up his mind when contesting his cognition through art, math, laws of physics, natural science and all spiritualities.

The brave approach of Danny being multidirectional towards his cognition has given him the extra muscle to solve one of the greatest mystery’s known to mankind. This, of course, is gravity. In 2018, Danny started developing his own gravity equations for measuring the orbital parameters of all nine planets in our solar system. Six years later, little did Danny know, he was going to embark on a more specific principle of gravity than modern theories of space-time. A principle specifically supporting harmonic deviations that exhibits quantum alignment alongside planetary alignment. The significance of Danny’s gravity model is presented in his unique experimental findings with observable patterns in nature. Danny found a specific sequence confined in nature which he uses to accurately predict both orbital positions of an electron and a planet being parallel to one another. Meaning, Danny has found a way in nature connecting a quantum system with a planetary system.

Danny believes that in order to solve and to grasp the fundamental principle of gravity and the flow of time. One must unite all appropriate methods and perspectives to find the absolute answer for gravitation and to time travel. Because of the overwhelming topic of unidentified aerial phenomena. Danny is coming forward about top-tier A1 crafts and new understandings of gravity to clarify this matter.

The years of 2022 and 2023, Danny has been giving away his artwork to random people that explains how top-tier A1 crafts defy the laws of physics. In Danny’s artwork, new mathematical formulas and methods are used to express that A1 crafts do not actually fly. His work explains that people of today have a common misconception of what it means to be flying.

In Danny’s point of view. Flying is when methods are being used to make a vehicle or body to move against gravity. Thus, experiencing the effects of gravity. These methods, which of course, are rocket sciences, bird thrust and today’s aeronautics. It is crystal clear in Danny’s work that when a vehicle initiates methods to avoid the affects of gravity. The state of its motions are no longer bound by the same physical sciences or physical experiences of a conventional aircraft, and the word “flying” should not be used to express a new era of aeronautics.

In many of Danny’s UAP artwork, the phrase “Airplanes & Birds Fly. We Don’t.” is added in his art so the viewers may realize the common misconception of what it means to be flying. The overall motive of Danny’s UAP artwork is to give today’s people clarity on a paradigm shift of aeronautics and to start preparing the world for a better tomorrow.

Now that we have covered a little bit about Danny’s work on the fabric of space. We can now jump right into other absorbent fabrics that Danny uses as a canvas to draw portraits. In 2017, Danny finally realized after many years of drawing that his portraits weren’t realistic as he envisioned. The unsteadiness and quickness of Danny’s techniques lead him to his own dissatisfaction and kept him from progressing in realism.

To progress in the art form of realism. Danny found a way that counteracts his natural movements by drawing on a surface that is delicate and much more absorbent. This surface, of course, we all know as napkins and is part of our everyday uses. Over a small period of time with drawing on napkins. Danny drastically improved on his artistic techniques and now his portraits are one of the most realistic drawings in contemporary art.

Bud Spencer & Terence Hill aka Bambino & Trinity | Napkin Drawing by Danny Ray Vasquez - Contemporary Art | 2019

Bud Spencer & Terence Hill aka Bambino & Trinity | Napkin Drawing by Danny Ray Vasquez - Contemporary Art | 2019

Due to the overwhelming amount of information about Danny and his artwork, this page will be updated frequently.

More is coming soon! Please be patient. Thank you.